OTTAWA, May 30, 2022 – Calian® Group Ltd. (TSX: CGY), a diverse products and services company providing innovative healthcare, communications, learning and cybersecurity solutions, is funding Dalhousie University researchers to study data exhaust. The research will ultimately lead to applications that help the defence sector continually enhance its security posture.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have the potential to learn about their users and their surrounding environments by combining sensor information from cameras, microphones, and internet connectivity. By-products from online actions, known as data exhaust, can be a security threat. As the defence sector looks to use IoT data points in various applications, risk must be managed.

“The collaboration between Calian and Dalhousie University’s Cyber Labs brings industry experience together with brilliant researchers to work on fascinating and groundbreaking research, namely, the security risks associated with data exhaust and how to reduce that risk for the defence sector,” says Sacha Gera, President, IT and Cyber Solutions, Calian.

“Cybersecurity is ever-evolving,” explains Kevin de Snayer, Director, Security Solutions, Calian. “We are investing in research to create an efficient and effective system and process to test defence customers’ IoT devices for risks and vulnerabilities before deploying them into active duty.”

The initial projects will be performed by two Dalhousie cyber labs: Emerging Wireless Technologies (MYTECH) Lab and Network Information Management and Security (NIMS) Lab. The first part is research on data exhaust. The second part is research and development to create a context-aware framework to predict, detect, and prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks on IoT. Calian will own the intellectual property (IP).

“Collaborating with industrial partners like Calian empowers Dalhousie researchers to help find solutions to the pressing challenges that emerge with new technologies,” says Alice Aiken, Vice-President Research & Innovation, Dalhousie University. “This partnership will allow our researchers Dr. Nur Zincir-Heywood from the NIMS Lab and Dr. Srini Sampalli from the MYTECH Lab the chance to advance computer science and make important contributions to cybersecurity.”

Calian is making this investment in cyber research to continually help its customers improve their security postures in an ever-changing world. The Company’s funding also supports the economic development requirements of the Government of Canada’s Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) program as a subcontractor on the Land C4ISR program. These two projects represent the first of several that Calian will make in collaboration with funding organizations such as Mitacs, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering Canadian innovation. The funding will lead to innovative cybersecurity solutions, cybersecurity skills development, and job creation.

Visit the Calian Booth # 701/M16 at CANSEC June 1 and 2, 2022, at the EY Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

À propos de Calian

Nous faisons avancer le monde. Calian® aide les gens à communiquer, à innover, à apprendre et à mener une vie saine et sûre. Chaque jour, nos employés vivent nos valeurs d’engagement envers le client, d’intégrité, d’innovation, de respect et de travail d’équipe pour concevoir des solutions fiables qui résolvent des problèmes complexes. C’est la confiance. Ingénierie. Entreprise stable et en pleine croissance depuis 40 ans, notre siège social se trouve à Ottawa et nos bureaux et projets couvrent les marchés nord-américains, européens et internationaux. Visitez pour découvrir des solutions innovantes en matière de soins de santé, de communications, d’apprentissage et de cybersécurité.

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